Just dropping by to update on some things (this is going to be a boring post!). Not much has changed in the 2 weeks since I've started this new diet. I stupidly did not weigh myself at the start so I have no idea if I have lost any weight. I am feeling really good though. We went to a baby shower on Sunday and some of them commented that I looked like I had lost some weight. I do not see it, but it was nice to hear! I plan on weighing myself at the end of this week.
TTC update - Just finished our 2nd cycle of trying. I am feeling really optimistic for this upcoming cycle! Hopefully I will ovulate earlier than last time. I am going to stick with temping throughout the whole cycle this time and of course I will still be using OPK's.
Marcus and I just booked our vacation to Vegas in January! We are so excited! :) Joining us will be my parents, Marcus's parents, Barbie, Jordan, and Curtis!