Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bumpdate: 32 weeks

We had a pretty busy week! Thursday was the grandparent class that I attended with my mom. It was good for me to go since Marcus and I aren't taking a "newborn care" class and this was very similar to that. Mom liked the class a lot too. 

Our nephew was born Saturday, July 27th! My sister-in-law, Jordan, gave birth via c-section to an 8lb handsome little boy. Marcus and I took the trip up there Saturday afternoon to visit all of them. It was awesome to meet our nephew for the first time! We are planning on taking the weekend of August 17th to go up there and visit them again.

Sunday was our 2nd Lamaze class and hospital tour. I really hope the relaxation techniques we are learning will be put to good use. I really enjoyed the different breathing & labor positions that we learned. Our hospital tour went really well! Makes me even more excited to have this little girl!

  • How many weeks are you? 32 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a squash!
  • Cravings/Aversions? My appetite has increased this week. Not cravings or aversions, but I always feel hungry!
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 32 weeks her skeletal muscles are growing stronger and her bones are hardening even more. She's looking like a newborn every day. As her circulation continues to improve and she gains more fat, she can regulate body temperature better and may start to shed the fine layer of hair called lanugo. More hair is starting to grow on the top of her head and, due to increased pigmentation resulting from more melanin production, it now has some color.
  • Symptoms? More Braxton Hicks's. Lot of uncomfortable heartburn at night.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bumpdate: 31 weeks

Very busy week! We had an info meeting with the pediatrician we are going to use and it went really well! We really like the practice and they had great hours. I'm excited to get that off my to-do list. This weekend Marcus's family came down and we got to swim some which was nice.

We had our first Lamaze/labor/birth class on Sunday; the first of 4. We really liked it! I really really like our instructor and the way she teaches. This week focused on the process of labor and delivery, signs or labor, and breathing techniques through each contraction. Next week we have a hospital tour included!

Tuesday was our check-up and growth scan. Because my fundal height was measuring 3 weeks ahead at our last appointment my doctor wanted me to go in for an ultrasound this week. Well, everything looks perfect! Baby measured in the 45th percentile and currently weighs 3lb 12oz! They estimate that she'll weigh just under 7.5 lbs at birth! She's even head down! The fluid level also looks great and the tech thinks she will stay head down the rest of the time. I hope so! Her heartbeat was 146bpm.

My blood pressure was a little better than last week and my doctor was very happy with the readings from my at-home monitor this past week. I gained 2lbs since my last appointment 2 weeks ago so my total is at 10lbs now. She measured my belly and I am now measuring at 37cm!!!! That's 6 weeks ahead! However, she wasn't concerned at all since baby is at such an average weight.

  • How many weeks are you? 31 weeks / 1 day
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a squash!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much this week!
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 31 weeks she is starting to move around more, flip upside down, rotate, and even turn her head from side-to-side. Her brain is now fully developed, with speech and language centers in the process of development. Complex neurological connections and learning will continue throughout the pregnancy and long after birth.
  • Symptoms? I had a few Braxton Hick's contractions the other day, about 4 back-to-back that were really intense. Hoping that doesn't happen again for awhile! 

My next appointment is scheduled for Thursday, August 8th at 8:10am!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bumpdate: 30 weeks

I've hit yet another milestone! I am officially in the 30's! The countdown has begun!

  • How many weeks are you? 30 weeks!
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a squash!
  • Cravings/Aversions? I have been loving my ice cream this week! This summer heat isn't making this craving manageable either...I eat a bowl almost every 2 days! Fruit is also a craving.
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 30 weeks fetal REM activity occurs at this stage indicating distinct sleep and wake cycles. She may spend much of the time sleeping, but her sleep cycle is not necessarily timed with mine. She can now open, close, and blink her eyes. Her vision is still rather poor at this stage and will remain so for a few months after delivery.
  • Symptoms? Same as last week. BH's & sleep issues. 

We had our first baby shower this past weekend! It was hosted by my aunts, sisters, and godmother and it was at my parent's house! It was a wonderful day and they decorated the space inside so beautifully! The shower was an owl theme; owl fruit bowl, owl cupcakes, owl decor! We had about 20 people show up and we all had a great time. Baby girl received many gifts! We got her Rock N' Play, Pack N' Play, travel system, blankets, toys, and TONS of clothes!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bumpdate: 29 weeks

I had a pretty good 29 week appointment yesterday. Baby's heartbeat sounded great at 153bpm!

First and foremost, I officially don't have GD! I passed! I just got the call this morning that I passed with a 93! Even better number than last time. My hemoglobin level is still below where they like to see it. I got a 11.8 and they want to see it at biggie!

At my appointment my blood pressure was a little high (140/80). They were concerned enough to write me a script for an at-home blood pressure monitor. I have to call in weekly to the nurse so they can record my readings. When I test at home my BP is always normal. Today it was 117/70. I must just get nervous at doctor's appointments.

I only gained 1 pound since my last check-up 4 weeks ago! I am so proud of myself and so is my doctor! I am up a total of 8 pounds for this pregnancy so far. The doctor wants me to be fully prepared for the natural birth that I want so she wants me to up my walking to every single day. I need that stamina when it comes time to push out this baby!

Lastly, they measured my fundal height and it was 32cm. That is 3 weeks ahead of where I should be for 29 weeks. My doctor wants me to come in for an ultrasound at my next appointment in 2 weeks. Hopefully baby is measuring okay!

  • How many weeks are you? 29 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of an acorn squash.
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much this week. I have been drinking water like a fish!
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 29 weeks her ovaries are well-developed. They now produce hormones and already contain millions of eggs! Her bones are beginning to harden and store iron, phosphorus, and calcium. The bones remain soft enough at birth to accommodate the tight birth canal.
  • Symptoms? Still feeling a few Braxton Hick's everyday, but nothing to be concerned about. Sleep is still uncomfortable...this is surely the norm from here on out!

My next appointment is July 23rd at 2:20. We'll have an ultrasound and another check-up! My appointments are now every 2 weeks!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bumpdate: 28 weeks

This week has been good! Nothing too exciting happened; the week went by very fast!

  • How many weeks are you? 28 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of an eggplant!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Ice cream always sounds good! 
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 28 weeks she is weighing about 2.5 pounds. Her kicks and movements have become more noticeable. Kicks are now feeling blunt and more forceful. She may be able to distinguish my voice from that of Marcus's.
  • Symptoms? I am starting to get Braxton Hick's again. Over the last week I have noticed 2-3 of them per day. Marcus was able to see kicks while the baby was moving around like crazy in there! He saw my whole belly move and poke out when she was kicking!