On Tuesday I had my 40 week appointment. First, we had an ultrasound to check the fluid level and her size. Everything looked really good! She is measuring in the 38th percentile at 7lbs10oz. The fluid level was at a 10 which was normal. They could see calcium deposits on my placenta, but this is normal. The placenta starts to age at this late in the game.
Then we had my regular check-up with my doctor. My blood pressure was a little high at 138/80, but she assured me that it's normal for it to creep up at the end of pregnancy. I didn't gain any weight this week so still at +16lbs. I had another cervical check and I made some progress! I was 1/2cm dilated and 75% effaced! My doctor also said that she has dropped some since last week too. I was very happy to hear that something was progressing!
We also scheduled an induction date for next Tuesday the 1st at 8pm. They will start me out with Cervadil right away and then start Pitocin the next morning. So no matter what we will have a baby by Wednesday!
- How many weeks are you? 40 weeks / 1 day
- What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a newborn baby :)
- Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much
- Any big milestones or updates? At 40 weeks her brain has developed remarkably over the past 9 months, but it will continue to expand crucial neural pathways for the next few years following birth.
- Symptoms? Same as last week...random contractions and cramps. No indication that I will go into labor anytime soon.