Maggie is 22 months and she amazes us every day, she is so smart and is SUCH a great at toddler. She has many many words in her vocabulary, knows all the letters, can sing songs, and is as cute as can be! I'm so proud of the little lady she has become. What a fun stage she is in! I can't believe she'll be 2 in less than 2 months!
Marcus and I decided to start trying for our second baby in March. I had a gut feeling it would take just as long, if not longer, to get pregnant again so we chose to start trying before my sister's wedding. Little did we know that it would take us exactly the same amount of time and we got pregnant within our 4th cycle trying! I found out I was officially pregnant on Monday, August 3rd, 2015 with a positive digital test! Estimated due date is April 12, 2016. My first ultrasound is scheduled for Sept. 9th which I'll be 9 weeks by then. God is so good!