Friday, October 9, 2015

Maggie is TWO!

Our little girl turned TWO a couple weeks ago! We can't believe it! First, I'll start with her doctor's appointment. She weighs 25lbs and is 35" tall (35% for weight & 88% for height). She is still following in her growth curves just fine. She is healthy and developing appropriately.

She climbs everywhere, knows the alphabet, and can count to 10. We are working on colors, shapes, and counting to 20 at the moment. She has a large vocabulary and can say 3-4 word sentences. We can tell she is a smart little girl! She is still a great eater. Not really anything she won't eat...hopefully this doesn't change!

She adores both sets of grandparents, her aunts & uncles, and her cousin, Mason. She loves to go to the park, the zoo, Gymboree class, and to her grandparent's houses. She doesn't love bugs and she's not fond of sharing just yet.

We enjoyed celebrating her birthday with family and friends last weekend. No surprise, the theme of her party was "Frozen." She was spoiled with many gifts and much needed clothes!

8 Week Bumpdate & First Ultrasound!

I can't believe I am already at this point! Time has been flying so far this pregnancy.

We had our first ultrasound on Monday, October 3rd and it went really well. After waiting in the room for what felt like eternity, the doctor and ultrasound tech finally began the scan. They did a transvaginal ultrasound and right away the baby popped up on the screen and man was that a HUGE sign of relief! Maggie said, "Aww, fishy!" when she saw the baby wiggling around. So cute! The quickly checked the heartbeat and it was 182bpm. I wish we could have heard it for longer. Baby measured 8w3d (3 days ahead of schedule!) so that was also a nice surprise.

The doc did change my EDD to May 13th, but since I know when I ovulated I am going to keep my original due date of May 16th for my own records. The only concern was a small pocket of blood in my uterus (a subchorionic hematoma) but my doctor did not seem concerned at all. It will either bleed out or be absorbed by the placenta.

It was a very quick ultrasound, but everything looks great and healthy. My next appointment will be in about 4 weeks where they will check for the heartbeat on the doppler.

  • How many weeks are you? 8 weeks / 4 days

  • How are you feeling? Last week all day nausea had set in and I was feeling pretty crappy, especially in the mornings, but usually once I ate something I felt better. I have been very hungry! Thankfully, it feels like the nausea is slowly going away at this point. I still have most of my energy which is so surprising! I will take it! 

  • Cravings/Aversions: 2 weeks ago I was cravings waffles for dinner. This week I am craving spinach queso dip. Very random! No aversions at this point.

  • What are you looking forward to? Right now I am looking forward to telling our families! It feels like we have been keeping this secret for awhile now. We will finally be able to tell them within the next couple weeks!