Monday, December 28, 2015

20 Week Bumpdate

HALFWAY POINT! Well, at least I hope it's halfway already! I can't believe I am already at this milestone. I really haven't done/bought anything for this pregnancy so I feel like there is lots to do within the next 20 weeks!

We had our anatomy scan last week and I was so happy to find that everything looks healthy and baby is measuring right on track. Baby weighed 11oz and had a heartbeat of 150bpm! It was confirmed that I do have an anterior placenta this time again! We closed our eyes while the ultrasound tech found the sex of the baby! She was able to find it quickly and was confident in what she saw.

My blood pressure was great, but I was a little disappointing with my weight. I gained 4lbs since my last check-up making my total weight gain this pregnancy 6lbs.

Christmas Eve came we opened the little stocking to find out we are having another GIRL! Honestly, we were both thinking it was a boy this time, but we are both thrilled to be having another girl and that Maggie gets a sister!

  • How many weeks are you? 20 weeks
  • How are you feeling? I have been feeling more consistent movement least twice a day, usually in the morning before I get out of bed and at night when I am relaxing. I am still not at the point where I am feeling her no matter what I am doing...if I have a really busy day I won't feel her as much. I feel more aches in pains in my lower abdomen and I have to be careful not to move too fast!

  • What are you looking forward to? Now that the holidays are over I am looking forward to relaxing weekends with my family. We have a lot of organizing and de-cluttering to do so it will be nice to accomplish those tasks.

Monday, December 14, 2015

18 Week Bumpdate

Not a whole lot has been happening since my last update. We are just preparing for Christmas and anxiously awaiting the a/s in exactly 1 week!!

  • How many weeks are you? 18 weeks

  • How are you feeling? I have still been feeling flutters, but so far they aren't getting any stronger than they were at 16 weeks I believe. I suspect I have an anterior placenta again. I just can't wait until I am feeling more kicks and less flutters! Other than movement I have been feeling great. I had heartburn and sciatica pain last week, but both of those symptoms have seen to have died down a bit this week. Also, I don't feel BH's as much as I used to (which wasn't a lot to begin with).

  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to our anatomy scan next ad Christmas next week! I also can't believe that I am almost at the halfway mark! This pregnancy can slow down now, please!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

16 Week Bumpdate

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of our family and Maggie had so much fun with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. 

I had my monthly check-up yesterday and all is well. Over the past few weeks I have been feeling anxious and nervous about this pregnancy, so hearing the heartbeat again was a huge sigh of relief. My blood pressure & weight were both great (2lbs gained so far) and the baby had a heartbeat of 150bpm! We must have a mover on our hands because the baby kept moving away from the doppler!

  • How many weeks are you? 16 weeks / 1 day

  • How are you feeling? I am feeling overall pretty darn good! I am happy with my weight and energy level thus far. I have been feeling more flutters this week, but I am patiently waiting for those movements to become stronger and more consistent. I feel like this pregnancy I have been much more emotional and I cry much easier than when I wasn't pregnant.

  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to our anatomy scan in less than 3 weeks!!! I can't wait to see the baby again :-)