I had a regular check-up yesterday and things went really well. My blood pressure was great (115/70) and baby's heartbeat was loud and strong! I gained 4lbs since my last appointment making total weight gain up to 15lbs. I know I am going to gain more than I did with Maggie, but I am hoping to stay around 20lbs...we will see. I had my glucose test yesterday as well. I am hoping that I passed! Now appointments are every 2 weeks and I have a growth scan at the next one!
- How many weeks are you? 27 weeks / 1 day
- How are you feeling? I am feeling large, but honestly I cannot complain. I have been having upper back pain at work from sitting too long in my chair. Lately, I have been feeling out of breath, especially in the mornings. This baby likes to move ALL THE TIME! I don't remember Maggie being this active.
- What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to spring and not being coped up inside all the time. I am also looking forward to the ultrasound in 2 weeks to see the baby again!