Tuesday, May 17, 2016

40 Week Bumpdate!

Well, I knew I would make it to 40 weeks and beyond! I am hoping and praying that this little girl decides to make her appearance on her own this week.

At my 39 week check-up, again, everything went really well. My BP, weight, & baby's heartbeat all looked great. I was checked again and was 1cm dilated and still 50% effaced. I was very happy for any progress!

Yesterday I had my 40 week check-up and still all the normal things were good, so thankful for that! We went over induction and we have a tentative date of Sunday, May 22. I am SO hoping she decides to come before then, but I am happy to have an end date in sight. I was checked and I have made very little progress. She said I was 1cm + a little wiggle and still 50% effaced. She was able to sweep my membranes (which was very uncomfortable) so I was happy about that. We then went in for an ultrasound and Emma is measuring great at 7lbs 5oz. She is in a great position and her fluid level was great too. Overall, I was very happy about my appointment.

So from here on out it's just a waiting game. I will be called in for an NST sometime this week (standard for those who go over their due date). I don't think the membrane sweep was successful, but that is okay, I wanted to give it a try no matter what.

  • How many weeks are you? 40 weeks / 1 day
  • How are you feeling? I have been experiencing more cramping this week. Feels like I am about to start my period. I have the same amount of BH's and pressure on my cervix. I am peeing constantly and it still pretty uncomfortable sleeping. I have also noticed that I am much more tired this week.
  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to going into labor and having this baby! I pray that either my water will break first or labor contractions start so that I know it's go time!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

38 Week Bumpdate

This pregnancy has flown by and these past few weeks are no exception! I thought for sure the last month of pregnancy was going to drag, but so far it has not. I feel really lucky to have made it this far feeling relatively good. My family threw a little "sprinkle" for me last weekend and it was so lovely!

Since my last update I have had 3 appointments. Everything was great at my 36 week check-up. My cervix was not checked. Last week at my 37 week check-up I was told that I was not dilated yet, but I was 25% effaced and baby was lower than at my 35 week appointment. They also did a quick ultrasound to make sure baby was still head down and sure enough she was! Yesterday I had my 38 week check-up and again everything looked great. I am now 1/2cm dilated, 50% effaced, and baby is even lower than last week. I am happy for the baby steps my body is taking! I didn't start to dilated until I was 40 weeks with Maggie so I am taking this as a win! Within these past 3 weeks my weight has stayed the same around 24 pounds gained so far. My blood pressure and baby's heart beat has looked great at each appointment too!

Over the past few weeks I have been losing small chunks of my mucus plug. Nothing that has been tinged with blood, but definitely losing bits here and there. I was barely feeling any contractions up until last weekend. That Saturday I was hit with a ton and since then they have kept coming. Nothing that is painful, but I will be on the lookout!

The car seat is installed, I have washed all over her newborn clothes & blankets, and the hospital bag is ALMOST packed.

  • How many weeks are you? 38 weeks / 1 day
  • How are you feeling? Baby is low and I can feel it! I feel a lot of pressure when I am standing and walking. I have had a few episodes of lighting crotch over the past few days. I am feeling a bit more tired, but I still have energy throughout the day. Sleeping through the night is uncomfortable, but I was still able to get enough sleep to not need too many naps during the day.
  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to hitting FULL TERM in a few days! I really don't think Emma will come before her due date, but I am very much looking forward to going into labor soon!