Our "plan" was to start trying for a baby at the beginning of 2013. I decided to go off the pill so that happened at the beginning of 2012. Our impatience kicked in and sometime at the beginning of April our plan flew out the window. In Marcus's words, or new plan was to "see what happened."
It happened!
From then on it was bliss. Nothing could make us upset for those 2 weeks. I was definitely not feeling myself. I'm not going to go into detail about all my symptoms, but there was no doubt in my mind that all the crappiness I was feeling was because I was PREGNANT!
Mother's Day weekend was approaching and we made the trip up to my in-laws house a couple hours north. I was feeling horrible while Marcus was driving and I could not wait to get out of that car so I could lay down. I noticed some spotting Saturday night, but wasn't too alarmed.
Sunday, (Mother's Day) is when it all happened. The spotting had continued and gotten worse. We headed to the ER right out of town. All to confirm the worst. I had miscarried. I was 6 weeks pregnant. We lost the baby.
That day was horrible. We told both of our parents as they were both wondering where we had run off to (we missed their Mother's Day lunches). I just wanted to go home. That night we talked and cried until we finally fell asleep in eachother's arms. That day was a really bad day.
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