Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bumpdate: 14 weeks

This week has been pretty boring (except for yesterday) and I haven't really had any symptoms or problems. I have been cruising through this pregnancy so far *knock on wood* The only exception was yesterday; I threw up for the first time this pregnancy! It wasn't fun and it came out of nowhere! I am not sure what came over me, but today I am feeling better and I hope that yesterday was just a fluke. We'll see!

  • How many weeks are you? 14 weeks / 1 day 
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a lemon!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Again, I have been craving water, especially at night right before bed. No aversions this week.
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 14 weeks hair is starting to sprout on the baby's head, which is about the size of a gumball. The head is now in better proportion to the body size. Simple facial gestures may now be visible on an ultrasound, including grimacing and squinting.
  • Symptoms? Except for yesterday I am still feeling very good! My sciatica pain seems to be lessening (although it might be because I am driving less) and my energy is finally coming back! 

I think I might have felt baby flutters for the first time last night! I had just ate dinner and was laying on the couch and I felt something right in the middle of my belly just above my pubic bone (right where baby is!). I know it wasn't gas since I was having some gas along with the flutters and I was able to distinguish both the feelings. It's hard to explain, but it felt like little taps from the inside. Very cool! 

Also, we have scheduled our appointment to find out the sex of this baby! It will be on April 16th (I will be 17 weeks pregnant). This is the same day as my regular OB check-up so we are paying extra to find out early what we are having! I am so so so excited, I can't even wait! Less than 3 weeks until we find out! 

When I was 13w2d I woke up with this huge belly! I don't know where it came from, but it was fun to actually look pregnant. Even though it has lessened since then I still have a noticeable bump! Even Marcus has pointed out that he can see my belly growing! So much changed from last week! I also feel like I am carrying low!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bumpdate: 13 weeks. Hello 2nd Tri!

I am in my 2nd trimester! I am 1/3 of the way done! I can't believe I've made it this far! We had our 3rd OB appointment yesterday. I thought it was going to be a boring appointment until my doctor took out the doppler! I kept thanking her since I didn't think we'd be doing that yesterday! Did I ever mention how much I love my OB? She put the doppler about an inch above my pubic bone dead center of my belly and the baby's heartbeat popped up right away! I couldn't believe how fast it took, I think even my doctor was surprised. The first thing I said was, "Good job, Dr. Chan!" She says, "No, good job baby!" I will never get sick of hearing my baby's heartbeat! Such a wonderful sound!

She also said my blood work from a couple weeks ago came back all normal and I have an O+ blood type. Also, my blood pressure yesterday was at 132/80 which we were all happy about! I asked her later what would be the "perfect" bp she would like to see from me and she said anywhere from 120-130/80 bp so she was very happy with my results yesterday! She was also happy that I have not gained any weight so far (I am actually down 2 lbs from the very first weight-in). I asked her when would be the appropriate time for me to start noticing weight gain and she said anytime after 20 weeks. So I need to keep it up and make sure I am not gaining any weight for another 7 weeks!

  • How many weeks are you? 13 weeks! 
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a peach! 
  • Cravings/Aversions? No cravings this week! If anything it would be salads and water. The only aversion I am having to towards wings. They sound and smell so gross all the time!
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 13 weeks baby is now 3 inches long. Tiny vocal cords are developing, However, sounds will not be produced for about 7 more months. The pancreas begins to produce insulin, and the intestines move from inside the umbilical cord to their permanent home in the abdomen.
  • Symptoms? Still feeling really good! This weeks brings a new symptom however. If I sit in the car or at my desk for too long my Sciatic nerve acts up and I get a pinching feeling in my butt. It's quite uncomfortable! The doctor reassured me that this is completely normal and the only way to help the discomfort is to make sure I am getting up and walking around/stretching as often as possible. Other than that I am feeling not as tired (although I don't feel like I have 100% of my energy back) and my nausea is still completely gone! 

My next appointment is in 4 weeks on April 16th when I am 17 weeks pregnant! This will be a basic check-up where they will take my weight, bp, urine, and listen to baby on the doppler! This is the longest stretch of time I have had in between appointments so hopefully it won't drag on!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bumpdate: 12 weeks

This week we are in Hilton Head! The weather is alright, but we are still having a good time. I had an appointment last Friday that was supposed to be blood work and a financial meeting, but it was just the blood work. My BP was better at 140/80 which the nurse seemed fine with. I go back on Tuesday for a Pap smear, physical, and financial meeting.

  • How many weeks are you? 12 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a prune!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing really this week. I have feeling pretty good towards food this week. 
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 12 weeks baby is weighing about 1/2 an ounce. My uterus is about the size of a small melon and has begun to move forward towards my belly button. The fetus is beginning to demonstrate reflexes like grasping, sucking, and even hiccups.
  • Symptoms? I am feeling very good! Nausea is totally gone now! I have been having difficulty sleeping this week though. No position seems comfortable and I wake up several times during the night. This of course makes me feel even more tired during the day. 

Since I have now completed my 3rd month of pregnancy I wanted to document my 1, 2, and 3 month bumps! 1st tri bump!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bumpdate: 11 weeks

We've made it to week 11...very exciting! Getting even closer to 2nd tri which is absolutely crazy! I wanted to update here on how my blood pressure is doing since my doctor's appointment last week. I have been going to my local grocery store to take my BP using those machines.

Doctor's appointment 2/27/13 - 150/80
The next day 2/28/13 - 123/83
Yesterday 3/5/13 - 117/72
ETA: Doctor's appointment 3/9/13 - 140/80

I am very happy with my numbers now and not nearly as anxious for what my BP will read at my appointment on Friday! I texted these numbers to my mother-in-law who is a nurse and she really thought that yesterday's reading was perfect!

  • How many weeks are you? 11 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a lime! 
  • Cravings/Aversions? The only craving I have had this week are Mike&Ikes! They sounded so good one day and I just had to have them right then! Fruit and carbs always sound good! No aversions this week; food isn't bothering me too much.
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 11 weeks fetal development is in full swing. Arms and legs continue to grow and are able to start bending and moving. Baby is starting to kick! Sexual organs are forming, but are not yet distinguishable by ultrasound. If baby is a boy testosterone will start producing. Ovaries in a girl contain estrogen receptors which respond to my hormones to help them develop further. 
  • Symptoms? I am feeling very good! Nausea in the morning is lessening by the day and they only thing I am dealing with at this point is exhaustion! I have been so lucky so far! 
I have been taking weekly pictures since we found out I was pregnant, but this is the first week that I feel like I might have a itty bitty bump starting. Marcus and I both cannot tell yet that a bump is there, but it's fun to compare pictures week-to-week!