Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bumpdate: 11 weeks

We've made it to week 11...very exciting! Getting even closer to 2nd tri which is absolutely crazy! I wanted to update here on how my blood pressure is doing since my doctor's appointment last week. I have been going to my local grocery store to take my BP using those machines.

Doctor's appointment 2/27/13 - 150/80
The next day 2/28/13 - 123/83
Yesterday 3/5/13 - 117/72
ETA: Doctor's appointment 3/9/13 - 140/80

I am very happy with my numbers now and not nearly as anxious for what my BP will read at my appointment on Friday! I texted these numbers to my mother-in-law who is a nurse and she really thought that yesterday's reading was perfect!

  • How many weeks are you? 11 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a lime! 
  • Cravings/Aversions? The only craving I have had this week are Mike&Ikes! They sounded so good one day and I just had to have them right then! Fruit and carbs always sound good! No aversions this week; food isn't bothering me too much.
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 11 weeks fetal development is in full swing. Arms and legs continue to grow and are able to start bending and moving. Baby is starting to kick! Sexual organs are forming, but are not yet distinguishable by ultrasound. If baby is a boy testosterone will start producing. Ovaries in a girl contain estrogen receptors which respond to my hormones to help them develop further. 
  • Symptoms? I am feeling very good! Nausea in the morning is lessening by the day and they only thing I am dealing with at this point is exhaustion! I have been so lucky so far! 
I have been taking weekly pictures since we found out I was pregnant, but this is the first week that I feel like I might have a itty bitty bump starting. Marcus and I both cannot tell yet that a bump is there, but it's fun to compare pictures week-to-week!

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