Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bumpdate: 17 weeks & Gender Scan!

I had a really great week! I was feeling good and really looking forward to our elective gender scan that was yesterday! It took the tech awhile to determine the sex, but we found out that we are having a little GIRL! I can't believe that my instinct from the beginning was right! We are so thrilled and we cannot wait to meet our daughter!

Her heartbeat was 160bpm and she measured 6 ounces...right on track! Baby is very lady like; she had her legs crossed the whole time. Although she wasn't cooperating with us, the tech said she was 100% sure that our baby is a girl!

I found out that I have an anterior placenta which means that the placenta is in front of the baby (in between my stomach and the baby) so movement probably won't be felt for a little longer. No biggie! Also, since my doctor is concerned about my weight, I have to take the GD test TWICE! I have to take it before my next appointment at 21 weeks and then again at 28 weeks. Hopefully there will be no problems.

  • How many weeks are you? 17 weeks 
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of an onion (which isn't even a fruit!). She is 6 ounces according to my appointment yesterday.
  • Cravings/Aversions? No cravings or aversions this week. 
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 17 weeks she can begin to hear sounds, like my heartbeat and the sound of my voice. Organs are now well developed. The kidneys create urine and the liver is starting to produce bile.
  • Symptoms? Heartburn! I get is almost everyday now (especially in the evenings). Other than that I am feeling great! Getting a little more hungry these days, but not by much. 

We have our anatomy scan in 4 weeks on May 14th when I will 21 weeks along. I have to drink that GD test 30 minutes before the appointment and then they will take my blood when we get there. We then have the a/s which I am very excited about! Then I will have my regular monthly check-up!

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