Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2 down...onto # 3

Marcus and I are now onto our 3rd cycle of trying to get pregnant. We had what I thought was an amazing cycle with great timing, but unfortunately did not end in pregnancy. I am determined to stay hopeful! I only hope that next cycle (if I am not pregnant) my temperature starts to drop before 12dpo. Last cycle my temps were going up and up which got my hopes so high and then took a huge drop at 14dpo.

I guess I would be okay with not getting pregnant until after the holidays. We have a ton going on and a Vegas trip in January. Since we will be traveling a lot over the next 2 months I will not be taking my temperature every morning. Even though we will still be "trying" during this time, I will not be monitoring my cycles like I normally would. Hopefully this reduces stress....we'll see.

The diet isn't going so great. My biggest problem is lack of motivation. I find myself thinking, "You look fine! Who cares if you work out today!" I need to step it up and fast!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Remembering our Babies

”A wife who loses a husband is called a widow. A husband who loses a wife is called a widower. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. There is no word for a parent who loses a child. That’s how awful the loss is.” ~Ronald Reagan


October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. I am the face of a miscarriage. This is not a taboo subject. Please don't close your minds and hearts to those who have suffered child loss.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Update on me! Diet Week 3

Just dropping by to update on some things (this is going to be a boring post!). Not much has changed in the 2 weeks since I've started this new diet. I stupidly did not weigh myself at the start so I have no idea if I have lost any weight. I am feeling really good though. We went to a baby shower on Sunday and some of them commented that I looked like I had lost some weight. I do not see it, but it was nice to hear! I plan on weighing myself at the end of this week.

TTC update - Just finished our 2nd cycle of trying. I am feeling really optimistic for this upcoming cycle! Hopefully I will ovulate earlier than last time. I am going to stick with temping throughout the whole cycle this time and of course I will still be using OPK's.

Marcus and I just booked our vacation to Vegas in January! We are so excited! :) Joining us will be my parents, Marcus's parents, Barbie, Jordan, and Curtis!  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Health kick! Week One

Here we go! I just started my new diet regimen on Monday! I am feeling great! Here is a link to the shakes if anyone is interested!

The daily plan:
  1. Work out in the morning (we're talking 5:30am!)
  2. ViSalus Shake for breakfast
  3. Snack (apple, cookie, etc.)
  4. ViSalus Shake for lunch
  5. Normal healthy dinner 
  6. Take the dog for a walk in the evening
And that's it! The shakes are delicious and so far seem pretty easy to make!

These are the products I needed to make this diet work! Very simple! My dad actually has already lost 30 pounds doing the shake, in 90 days! He is the one that recommended them to me.

I hope to keep this blog updated with my progress. My short term goal is to lose 20 pounds in these next couple of months. Wish me luck!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Outer Banks July 2012

Marcus and I just got back from our summer vacation to the Outer Banks! We had a really nice time with his side of the family (27 in all!) and were blessed with excellent weather. We stayed in a house just a road back from the beach in Corolla, NC.

We didn't do much besides going to the beach and then coming back to our house to swim in the pool. No complaints here! It was over 100 degrees the first day and we all got a little burnt. It rained pretty much all day on Tuesday so we all hung out inside. Wednesday we went to the sand dunes at Jockey's Ridge where we took a bunch of family pictures! Here's one of all of us!

The last 2 days we had PERFECT beach weather! We spend the whole day there! The ocean was a great temperature, but with high waves becuase of the storms we had a few days prior.

All-in-all it was a relaxing week, but we are glad to be back in Ohio!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Really Bad Day 5/13/12

Let's just get stright to it - Marcus and I went through one of the saddest moments any couple would have to go through - we lost our baby. Within 2 weeks in May we went from extreme happiness to complete devistation.

Our "plan" was to start trying for a baby at the beginning of 2013. I decided to go off the pill so that happened at the beginning of 2012. Our impatience kicked in and sometime at the beginning of April our plan flew out the window. In Marcus's words, or new plan was to "see what happened."

It happened!
On 5/1/12 I took this test. I couldn't believe my eyes! Telling Marcus wasn't exactly how I'd imagined it would be, mostly because I kept telling myself that it wasn't real! I walked down stairs, test in hand, and he hugged and kissed me once he stopped staring at the 2 lines!

From then on it was bliss. Nothing could make us upset for those 2 weeks. I was definitely not feeling myself. I'm not going to go into detail about all my symptoms, but there was no doubt in my mind that all the crappiness I was feeling was because I was PREGNANT!

Mother's Day weekend was approaching and we made the trip up to my in-laws house a couple hours north. I was feeling horrible while Marcus was driving and I could not wait to get out of that car so I could lay down. I noticed some spotting Saturday night, but wasn't too alarmed.

Sunday, (Mother's Day) is when it all happened. The spotting had continued and gotten worse. We headed to the ER right out of town. All to confirm the worst. I had miscarried. I was 6 weeks pregnant. We lost the baby.

That day was horrible. We told both of our parents as they were both wondering where we had run off to (we missed their Mother's Day lunches). I just wanted to go home. That night we talked and cried until we finally fell asleep in eachother's arms. That day was a really bad day.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Hello World :)

This is my first time doing a blog so please bear with me. My name is Maddie and I wanted to create a blog where I could write down all my thoughts and feelings, especially those feelings that deal with the journey my husband and I are taking to start a family. First a little about us. 

I am 24 and fresh out of college (oh wow maybe not so fresh out, more like 3 years out)! I got my degree in Finance and immediately starting working in Accounts Payable at a big corporate company in Dublin, Ohio. I had been working there for 2 years when my dad offered me a position at his company. He owns a construction company out of his home and needed someone to do all of this office work. I jumped at the position with no hesitation. I have been working here for 2 months now and could not be happier! 

I met my husband, Marcus (also 24), in college about 7 years ago. We were friends until he finally had the balls to ask me out our Junior year! We added a yellow lab named Brutus to our little family! We got engaged the summer after we graduated and bought a house a couple months after that. We gutted the whole house out and started from scratch. It was a fun/stressful time in our lives. We got married on September 17, 2011. 

Now we are happily married and approaching our 1 year anniversary. We have always talked about having children and now we are finally ready to put our plans in action. Trying to conceive has already given us heartache (will explain further in a separate post), but we are moving forward and eager to start our family! :)