Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Maggie is here!

I got a call Saturday afternoon from the on-call doctor at the hospital that they didn't love a part of the NST from the day before. Her heart rate dropped for a brief time and they wanted me to come back just to monitor it again. Off we went thinking we'd be back home in an hour or two. Again, they didn't love what her heart rate was doing (but it was very stable at the end of the NST) so they decided it was best to induce me that day instead of waiting on Tuesday. I was freaking out. I was so ready to meet her, but knowing that they were going to induce me right then and there really was emotional. Here goes:
Saturday, Sept 28 - Cytotec was inserted around 5:45pm. Contractions quickly became regular. They wanted to have me on that and check me in 4 hours. At 10:00pm I was still at a 1 so they wanted to attempt the foley bulb. After 4 very painful unsuccessful attempts to insert a foley bulb (which was the most painful part of birth for me), they decided to go with the Pitocin.

Sunday, Sept. 29 - Long morning of very painful contractions. I was checked at 7am and was only at a 2. Contractions became unbearable by 8:30am and I decided to get the epideral. AhMaZing! It was the weirdest thing not being able to feel my legs and belly, but it took away the pain completely. At 11am I was a 3 with a bulging bag of water and at 1pm I was at a 5. At 3pm I was still at a 5 so they decided to break my water. An hour and a half later, at 4:30pm, I felt an intense "I've got to poop NOW!" feeling. I called the nurse right away to be checked. Sure enough I was fully dilated! I went from 5 to 10cm within an hour and a half! I couldn't believe it and I still honestly thought I was going to poop all over my bed! They wanted to see how I pushed so we started around 4:45pm. After 6 contractions I was ready to deliver her, but they made me stop to call the doctor! Ugh so frustrating to not push through those contractions! Once the doctor got there she was out in 3 contractions. I saw the whole thing through a mirror in the ceiling and that was the best decision I made! I will never forget watching it all happen! The doctor did have to give me an episiotomy, which was NBD. Also, the cord was wrapped around her neck, but they took care of that right away.

She was born at 5:58pm on Sunday, September 29, 2013. 8lbs 5oz 20.5in. The hospital stay wasn't too bad and we got home yesterday morning. I am feeling better and better everyday!