Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bumpdate: 40 weeks

I am officially overdue! I can't believe I have made it to 40 weeks! A lot happened this week. Symptom-wise, this week was a lot like last week; random contraction, cramping, and lots of walking.

On Tuesday I had my 40 week appointment. First, we had an ultrasound to check the fluid level and her size. Everything looked really good! She is measuring in the 38th percentile at 7lbs10oz. The fluid level was at a 10 which was normal. They could see calcium deposits on my placenta, but this is normal. The placenta starts to age at this late in the game.

Then we had my regular check-up with my doctor. My blood pressure was a little high at 138/80, but she assured me that it's normal for it to creep up at the end of pregnancy. I didn't gain any weight this week so still at +16lbs. I had another cervical check and I made some progress! I was 1/2cm dilated and 75% effaced! My doctor also said that she has dropped some since last week too. I was very happy to hear that something was progressing!

We also scheduled an induction date for next Tuesday the 1st at 8pm. They will start me out with Cervadil right away and then start Pitocin the next morning. So no matter what we will have a baby by Wednesday!

  • How many weeks are you? 40 weeks / 1 day
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a newborn baby :)
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 40 weeks her brain has developed remarkably over the past 9 months, but it will continue to expand crucial neural pathways for the next few years following birth.
  • Symptoms? Same as last week...random contractions and cramps. No indication that I will go into labor anytime soon.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bumpdate: 39 weeks

Very uncomfortable this week! Every movement comes with aches, pains, and cramps....especially while sleeping! I am so ready to meet her! I have started feeling "real" contractions and not just Braxton Hicks. I got a few in a row a couple days last week, but they never stuck.

I had my weekly appointment today. I've gained 2lbs and I am now at +16lbs for this pregnancy. My blood pressure looked good at 132/80. Fundal height is 40cm and her heart beat was 155bpm. I was checked again and...surprise change AT ALL! Still not dilated and only 50% effaced. I was pretty bummed to hear this since I have felt so different this week.

  • How many weeks are you? 39 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a watermelon!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 39 weeks her organs are well-developed and ready for function outside the womb. She continues to practice breathing and her lungs continue to produce surfactant.
  • Symptoms? Started to feel "real" contractions this week. More pressure and cramps. Very uncomfortable doing almost everything!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bumpdate: 38 weeks

We had a pretty laid back week. After my appointment last Wednesday up until Sunday I wasn't feeling any Braxton Hick's at all. Monday hit and I was feeling a ton of pain in my upper right abdomen...called my doctor and she said it was normal and probably just the uterus expanding and brushing my ribs. I've been still feeling cramping and some contractions this week, but nothing substantial.

I had my 38 week check-up today. I've lost a pound since last week putting me at 14 lbs total. Blood pressure was good at 132/80. Fundal height was 38cm which is perfect. Baby's heart beat was in the 160's which my doctor was fine with. Had another cervical check and, of course, no progress has been made since last week. Bummer! I agreed to a membrane sweep, but obviously they couldn't do it since I'm not dilated yet. We will try again next week. Once I got home I noticed a ton of dark brown discharge which I am assuming was just because of the cervical check.

  • How many weeks are you? 38 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a watermelon!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 38 weeks baby is still getting heavier each day. By now she weighs close to 7 pounds. Her digestive system has not fully developed, in part because it had not yet begun processing food. Her first taste of breast milk after birth will help her digestion develop further.  She has spent some time swallowing proteins in the amniotic fluid which will help form her first bowel movements. 
  • Symptoms? A lot less contractions, but the same amount of cramping. I also experienced some dizziness which I hope doesn't come back! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bumpdate: 37 weeks

FULL-TERM, baby! Very happy we have made it this far and that we are both healthy! This means we have 3 weeks until my due date! I really think she will not be making her appearance anytime soon.

This weekend was my last baby shower on Sunday. We had a great time, had nice weather, and got everything we needed for her. We got a bunch of big ticket items (swing, monitor, and high chair) along with many other things including tons of clothes! I went to Babies R Us the next day to return some things and buy the remaining items that we will need. I think we are all set for her arrival!

Sunday night was rough for me. After a long day I was having horrible lower back pain. It was constant and the only thing that I could do was rock on my yoga ball. Finally after 4 hours of this I was able to fall asleep and when I woke up the next morning I felt better. I was getting worried that it was the start of labor, but I am glad that it stopped!

Today I had my 37 week check-up. It was a pretty boring appointment. Blood pressure was good (I forgot to ask what it was), I gained 2 lbs this week, and my urine sample came back fine. Fundal height is measuring 38cm and her heart beat was in the 150's today. She checked me again and I have made little to no progress since last week. Still not dilated and 50% effaced. But the baby's head is still down which is good news. We'll see if there's any change next week!

  • How many weeks are you? 37 weeks
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a watermelon!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Nothing much this week!
  • Any big milestones or updates? At 37 weeks she continues to practice breathing, moving around, sucking her thumb, and blinking. Her vagina, clitoris, and labia majora are now well-developed.
  • Symptoms? Back pain, cramps, and the same amount of Braxton Hicks. Still have good energy!