Monday, December 28, 2015

20 Week Bumpdate

HALFWAY POINT! Well, at least I hope it's halfway already! I can't believe I am already at this milestone. I really haven't done/bought anything for this pregnancy so I feel like there is lots to do within the next 20 weeks!

We had our anatomy scan last week and I was so happy to find that everything looks healthy and baby is measuring right on track. Baby weighed 11oz and had a heartbeat of 150bpm! It was confirmed that I do have an anterior placenta this time again! We closed our eyes while the ultrasound tech found the sex of the baby! She was able to find it quickly and was confident in what she saw.

My blood pressure was great, but I was a little disappointing with my weight. I gained 4lbs since my last check-up making my total weight gain this pregnancy 6lbs.

Christmas Eve came we opened the little stocking to find out we are having another GIRL! Honestly, we were both thinking it was a boy this time, but we are both thrilled to be having another girl and that Maggie gets a sister!

  • How many weeks are you? 20 weeks
  • How are you feeling? I have been feeling more consistent movement least twice a day, usually in the morning before I get out of bed and at night when I am relaxing. I am still not at the point where I am feeling her no matter what I am doing...if I have a really busy day I won't feel her as much. I feel more aches in pains in my lower abdomen and I have to be careful not to move too fast!

  • What are you looking forward to? Now that the holidays are over I am looking forward to relaxing weekends with my family. We have a lot of organizing and de-cluttering to do so it will be nice to accomplish those tasks.

Monday, December 14, 2015

18 Week Bumpdate

Not a whole lot has been happening since my last update. We are just preparing for Christmas and anxiously awaiting the a/s in exactly 1 week!!

  • How many weeks are you? 18 weeks

  • How are you feeling? I have still been feeling flutters, but so far they aren't getting any stronger than they were at 16 weeks I believe. I suspect I have an anterior placenta again. I just can't wait until I am feeling more kicks and less flutters! Other than movement I have been feeling great. I had heartburn and sciatica pain last week, but both of those symptoms have seen to have died down a bit this week. Also, I don't feel BH's as much as I used to (which wasn't a lot to begin with).

  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to our anatomy scan next ad Christmas next week! I also can't believe that I am almost at the halfway mark! This pregnancy can slow down now, please!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

16 Week Bumpdate

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of our family and Maggie had so much fun with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. 

I had my monthly check-up yesterday and all is well. Over the past few weeks I have been feeling anxious and nervous about this pregnancy, so hearing the heartbeat again was a huge sigh of relief. My blood pressure & weight were both great (2lbs gained so far) and the baby had a heartbeat of 150bpm! We must have a mover on our hands because the baby kept moving away from the doppler!

  • How many weeks are you? 16 weeks / 1 day

  • How are you feeling? I am feeling overall pretty darn good! I am happy with my weight and energy level thus far. I have been feeling more flutters this week, but I am patiently waiting for those movements to become stronger and more consistent. I feel like this pregnancy I have been much more emotional and I cry much easier than when I wasn't pregnant.

  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to our anatomy scan in less than 3 weeks!!! I can't wait to see the baby again :-)

Monday, November 23, 2015

15 Week Bumpdate

15 weeks! I am happy to have reached this milestone already! This means 25 weeks to go, 1 week until another check-up, and 4 weeks until my anatomy scan!

  • How many weeks are you? 15 weeks

  • How are you feeling? I have been fighting off a nasty cold for almost 2 weeks now. Pregnancy-wise I am feeling pretty good. I don't feel as tired anymore, but walking for long distances definitely wears me out. I need to get back into a walking schedule. I am still feeling little flutters and kicks, but they have certainly not become consistent yet. I have been feeling more emotional lately and I don't remember that with Maggie's pregnancy. I have started to feel Braxton Hick's again (starting around 14w) and I usually feel a couple everyday. Also, sometimes when I stand/walk I feel like my belly/uterus is heavy or really full.

  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to Thanksgiving in a couple of days! Excited to spend time with family and friends.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

13 Week Bumpdate

Wow it has been way too long since I have updated! I can't believe I am in the 2nd trimester already. This pregnancy has flown!

After waiting 4 weeks after my first ultrasound I had a 12 week check-up last week. My blood pressure and weight both looked good (I only gained 1 pound). My doctor said the blood work that was taken at my ultrasound all came back normal. I was given a pap smear and a breast exam. Then came the fin part; the doppler! After about 10 seconds, she found the heart beating at 164bpm. I was so excited the hear it again. We scheduled another check-up for the end of November and I was even able to schedule our anatomy scan on December 21st!

  • How many weeks are you? 13 weeks / 1 day

  • How are you feeling? I cannot believe how lucky I am this pregnancy. The only symptoms I have had within the past few weeks are sore boobs and randoms times of tiredness. Other than that my belly has been growing, but I wouldn't consider it a cute bump just yet. I *think* I have been feeling the baby move, but I can't be sure yet.

  • What are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to feeling definite movement. I am also very excited for our anatomy scan which is 6 weeks away :-)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Maggie is TWO!

Our little girl turned TWO a couple weeks ago! We can't believe it! First, I'll start with her doctor's appointment. She weighs 25lbs and is 35" tall (35% for weight & 88% for height). She is still following in her growth curves just fine. She is healthy and developing appropriately.

She climbs everywhere, knows the alphabet, and can count to 10. We are working on colors, shapes, and counting to 20 at the moment. She has a large vocabulary and can say 3-4 word sentences. We can tell she is a smart little girl! She is still a great eater. Not really anything she won't eat...hopefully this doesn't change!

She adores both sets of grandparents, her aunts & uncles, and her cousin, Mason. She loves to go to the park, the zoo, Gymboree class, and to her grandparent's houses. She doesn't love bugs and she's not fond of sharing just yet.

We enjoyed celebrating her birthday with family and friends last weekend. No surprise, the theme of her party was "Frozen." She was spoiled with many gifts and much needed clothes!

8 Week Bumpdate & First Ultrasound!

I can't believe I am already at this point! Time has been flying so far this pregnancy.

We had our first ultrasound on Monday, October 3rd and it went really well. After waiting in the room for what felt like eternity, the doctor and ultrasound tech finally began the scan. They did a transvaginal ultrasound and right away the baby popped up on the screen and man was that a HUGE sign of relief! Maggie said, "Aww, fishy!" when she saw the baby wiggling around. So cute! The quickly checked the heartbeat and it was 182bpm. I wish we could have heard it for longer. Baby measured 8w3d (3 days ahead of schedule!) so that was also a nice surprise.

The doc did change my EDD to May 13th, but since I know when I ovulated I am going to keep my original due date of May 16th for my own records. The only concern was a small pocket of blood in my uterus (a subchorionic hematoma) but my doctor did not seem concerned at all. It will either bleed out or be absorbed by the placenta.

It was a very quick ultrasound, but everything looks great and healthy. My next appointment will be in about 4 weeks where they will check for the heartbeat on the doppler.

  • How many weeks are you? 8 weeks / 4 days

  • How are you feeling? Last week all day nausea had set in and I was feeling pretty crappy, especially in the mornings, but usually once I ate something I felt better. I have been very hungry! Thankfully, it feels like the nausea is slowly going away at this point. I still have most of my energy which is so surprising! I will take it! 

  • Cravings/Aversions: 2 weeks ago I was cravings waffles for dinner. This week I am craving spinach queso dip. Very random! No aversions at this point.

  • What are you looking forward to? Right now I am looking forward to telling our families! It feels like we have been keeping this secret for awhile now. We will finally be able to tell them within the next couple weeks!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

6 Week Bumpdate & beta update

Wohoo I am still pregnant! Every day I cherish being one step closer to the ultrasound were I will finally be able to see my baby! I hope he/she is doing alright in there!

I meant to update on my betas, but we have been really busy these past couple weeks. Everything looked great and my levels tripled to 49 at 12dpo (they were 15 at 10dpo). My nurse said she did not need me to come in for 3rd betas and went ahead and scheduled my 8 week ultrasound for Monday, October 5th....less than 2 weeks to go!

How many weeks are you? 6 weeks / 1 day

How are you feeling? I am feeling fine, actually. Not real symptoms have hit me yet. Anything that I have felt has come and gone within a couple days. I felt very bloated in my 4th & 5th week, but thankfully that has gone down. Over the weekend I was having lower back pain and nipple tenderness. I am so surprised that I still have so much energy, especially with a toddler running around!

What are you craving? Nothing

What is grossing you out? Nothing

Have you bought/received anything for the baby lately? Nope! Honestly, I haven't had time to think about any of this yet.

Have you / will you found out the sex? Yes, we probably will.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

I'm pregnant.....AGAIN!

Surprise! I am pregnant again! What a shock! I can't believe this is actually happening, but here goes.

We were not instructed to take a cycle off after our early loss so we decided not to take a break. Well very surprisingly, 4 weeks after our chemical pregnancy I got another positive pregnancy test!

I found out on Wednesday, September 2nd that I was indeed pregnant again. I was in complete shock since I had gotten a positive so early (I was 3w2d), but thankfully the tests have gotten darker which is a huge sigh of relief. I did go in for a beta blood draw at 10dpo (3w3d) and it came back at a 15 and progesterone was at a 18.3. The nurse was very pleased with those numbers and instructed me to go in for a second beta which I will get the results back in 2 days. The number needs to double in order for the pregnancy to be viable.

I am feeling very optimistic about this pregnancy! My due date will be May 16, 2016 :-)

Chemical Pregnancy....but happy news ahead!

I wasn't sure when I was going to do this update. I didn't want to type out the painful words; we had a very early miscarriage at 4 weeks pregnant.

Not even a day went by were we could fully enjoy this new pregnancy before I started to miscarry. It all happened so fast and far too emotional for a couple to handle, but we got through it.

The night that I got a positive digital test is when I first started spotting (I was 4 weeks exactly). The next day it continued so I rushed to the doctor's office for a beta blood draw. The results came back the next day were negative. My beta was at a 4 (anything under 5 is considered not pregnant), but at that point I was certain that was going to be the outcome.

I had a rough couple of days; I was feeling disappointed in myself and sad for my husband and for my daughter.

But as life goes, time moves on and the next chapter of our lives was about to begin....

Monday, August 3, 2015

I'm Pregnant!

Life has been so good to us since the last time I updated! A wonderful Christmas, fun birthdays, my sister got married, and I just found out that I'm pregnant with baby #2! I couldn't be happier right now!

Maggie is 22 months and she amazes us every day, she is so smart and is SUCH a great at toddler. She has many many words in her vocabulary, knows all the letters, can sing songs, and is as cute as can be! I'm so proud of the little lady she has become. What a fun stage she is in! I can't believe she'll be 2 in less than 2 months! 

Marcus and I decided to start trying for our second baby in March. I had a gut feeling it would take just as long, if not longer, to get pregnant again so we chose to start trying before my sister's wedding. Little did we know that it would take us exactly the same amount of time and we got pregnant within our 4th cycle trying! I found out I was officially pregnant on Monday, August 3rd, 2015 with a positive digital test! Estimated due date is April 12, 2016. My first ultrasound is scheduled for Sept. 9th which I'll be 9 weeks by then. God is so good!

So here comes the fun part....I can start weekly pregnancy updates again! Stay tuned....