Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bumpdate: 10 weeks & first ultrasound!

Yesterday was our first appointment! I thought it would have been more than an ultrasound, but it was just that plus we got to talk with our doctor for awhile and go over our packet of information. When we got the appointment I was very nervous! The first thing the nurse did was take my BP and it was a little high at 150/80! I should have asked to have it re-done once I was done with the u/s and calm, but I didn't think of it at the time. Hopefully at our next appointment I won't have any reason to be worried and my BP should be normal!

They did a transvaginal ultrasound and then after 3 seconds there was baby right up on the screen! It was so amazing! The u/s went pretty fast which I was a little upset about, but we got to see everything that we wanted to. First they let us hear the heartbeat. 171 bpm. It was an amazing sound! Then they took baby's measurements and it was right on track and exactly 10 weeks with the same due date of 9/25/13 :) Then at the end baby was wiggling around; already showing us its dance moves! Best moment of my life so far! Here's one of the pictures we got to take home:

Isn't baby cute already? On the left is its head and tiny arms make baby look like a little gummy bear! Marcus said "he" already looks like a boy! He's wishful thinking :) My next appointment is scheduled for next Friday on March 8th. This will be all of my blood work and financial meeting.

  • How many weeks are you? 10 weeks / 1 day
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a prune!
  • Cravings/Aversions? No real cravings or aversions this week. I have been feeling pretty good so food isn't a big issue right now. I am trying to eat as healthy as I can since my doctor is a little concerned about my weight.
  •  Any big milestones or updates? At 10 weeks baby is no longer considered an embryo; it is now a fetus! Bones and cartilage are forming all over the body, including the limbs. However, at this stage they are still quite soft and fragile. The liver and kidneys are formed and starting to function. Fetal waste product, including toxins and carbon dioxide, continue to be removed via the umbilical cord and routed into my blood stream. 
  •  Symptoms? At 9w3d and the day after I was feeling really crappy in the evenings, but since then I have felt pretty normal. After talking to my doctor about my sleeping problems that I mentioned last week, she agreed that it has to do my uterus growing and pushing against the nerves. She advised me to sleep on my back less and more on my left side. I haven't had any problems with this this week. I am still tired, but even that seems to be improving slowly.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bumpdate: 9 weeks

I feel so good about making it to 9 weeks! 1st tri has definitely gone faster then I had thought! I have been feeling much better lately; since I hit 8 weeks my nausea has been decreasing by the day! At this moment 7 weeks was my worst week so far!

  • How many weeks are you? 9 weeks / 2 days
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of an olive!
  • Cravings/Aversions? Fruit always sounds good! I love my OJ in the mornings along with some Saltine crackers, it has become my morning ritual. I don't have any specific aversions right now, but most fried/greasy foods do not sound good. 
  •  Any big milestones or updates? At 9 weeks baby's head is about the same size as it's body. Baby is starting to move its limbs quite a bit, but I won't feel these movements for some time. Teeth are beginning to form, but don't break through the gums until after birth. The tongue, lips and nose are continuing to develop. The eyes are now more distinct. 
  •  Symptoms? Like I said before, I am feeling MUCH better then week 7. I feel like I can manage my symptoms much better now. Nausea comes only in the morning and goes away after I eat a few crackers. The exhaustion is getting worse so I make sure to at least take a nap everyday or go to bed early (we're talking 8pm!) I have been having some pain when I sleep on my right side. I would wake up with a stabbing pain in my right thigh (just above the knee) and then the pain/numbness would go away after I walked around. Now I am using my pregnancy pillow to force myself to sleep on my back or left side only, it seems to be helping so far. I am guessing this has to do with my uterus growing and it is hitting a nerve which is causing me pain, but I will bring it up with my doctor.

Only 5 more days until our first appointment! I can't believe it's getting so close! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bumpdate: 7 weeks!

I thought it would be fun to keep a log of every week of my pregnancy, but so far it's been pretty boring! I have been waiting so patiently for my first appointment in less than 3 weeks! At that appointment I will get my initial blood work done along with our first ultrasound which we should be able to see and hear the heartbeat!

Marcus has been great! He asks lots of questions and is always asking how I am doing. I bought him a book for expecting dads and he's already at the 2nd trimester! I told him to stop reading until I can catch up to him! He says he is most excited to see my belly start to grow and when the baby is born he can't wait to introduce him/her to our families! He and I both think we are having a little girl! Guess we will have to wait 13 more weeks to find out if we're right!

We did tell our immediate families right away. I know this may not be the right path for every expecting couple, but it's what we felt was the right decision for us. As I said before, we took a trip to Vegas right before I found out I was pregnant. Since both my dad and my father-in-law's birthday's were in January we decided to tell them at both of their parties! We put this picture in a frame:

First, we told my dad when I was almost 5 weeks along. He told me his first reaction was that this present should have gone to my grandpa. He was a little confused, but once he got it he wanted to show my mom before he got all excited. My mom immediately started crying. My sisters were thrilled and it felt so great to tell them!

The next weekend after that we went up to my in-laws to surprise them. We got there in the evening and had dinner before telling everyone. Once everyone was all in the living room we gave Bruce his present. They were both very surprised! Marla ran upstairs and brought down a cute onesie she had bought awhile ago and gave it to Marcus and me!

  • How many weeks are you? 7 weeks / 2 days
  • What fruit size is your baby? Baby is the size of a blueberry!
  • Cravings/Aversions? I am craving pasta & fruit. The only aversion I am having is to potato skins. I made them last weekend and they did not sit well with my stomach. The thought of eating them still makes me nauseous.
  •  Any big milestones or updates? At 7 weeks the heart has been beating for 2 weeks now. Hands and feet are starting to sprout from the body. Tiny ear buds begin to form. A small tail is visible as a remnant from earlier development, but will soon disappear as the embryo continues to develop.
  •  Symptoms? Everyday is a new adventure! Some days I feel pretty normal and then others I feel horrible all day long. The only consistent symptom I am having is exhaustion. I am tired all the time now! I have yet to actually throw up, but nausea stays with me throughout the day most of the time. I cannot complain; I have had it pretty easy so far!

I hope to update more often, but probably not every week until I am further along! I am taking weekly "bump" pictures, but nothing to show just yet! I am praying that this little one stays put for the next 7 months and that everything goes well at our first ultrasound!