Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Emma's Birth Story!

It has been awhile since I have been able to update this blog! Emma is almost 2 months old now! Anyway, I made it to my induction date and I gave birth at 41w3d!! A couple days prior I had a NST and that went great, Emma was doing really well for being "late."

Here are notes that I took while in labor:

4:30am - inserted the foley bulb with ease. Almost 1.5cm & 60% effaced.
5:00am - started me off on lowest dose of Pitocin (1).
8:00am - Foley bulb fell out. 3cm.
11:00am - Nurse thinks my water broke. I'm at 4cm. But the doctor came in and said no, not broken yet. She broke my water, so much gushing! I had internal monitors put in since Emma was moving all over the place.
** contractions come fast and hard. I rocked on the ball while Marcus massaged/counter pressured my back. Contractions every 2-3 minutes. I threw up a couple times. Pit never went over a 5.
12:30pm - I asked for the epi and after screaming for it it was finally administer at 2:00pm. Sucked to have contractions through it, but it was placed within 10 minutes. I was now 7cm.
** epi immediately did its job and I could still move my legs well. I felt tightening in my upper belly, but that was it.
** After about 30 minutes I was feeling lots of pressure in my vag area that hurt! Then came the butt pressure that was even worse. "I AM going to poop" was said many times. I thought my ass was going to fall off. I farted really loud in front of the nurse!!!
2:30pm - checked and at 9cm. I had to push, but of course they told me not to. With every subsequent contraction I felt my body pushing more and more. I was in so much pain. Checked and at 10cm and +1 station. Checked after next contraction and I was crowning. Doctor was 6 minutes away still!
3:00pm - Doctor finally shows up and I pushed for about 15 minutes, but I was almost hyperventilating after each contraction. I said "I don't know if I can do this" several times. It was so painful and it was difficult for me to push correctly until I gave it my all the last 2 contractions.
3:15pm - she's born! Immediate skin-to-skin for an hour or so. I had a small "skid mark" tear that was stitched up (I could feel that too!). She was 8lbs5oz & 19" long. She breastfed right away on both sides! Loves to snuggle.

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